Monday, April 23, 2012

Drafting- cirtical thinking

                We have been taught as students about critical thinking and reading, along with the writing process used to write a paper. These topics are nothing new to me. However, the way we learned these topics was far different than before. I now feel I have a deeper understanding of critical thinking and reading.
                Finding sources are easy. Finding good sources are a challenge. The good thing about the internet is that anyone in any location can post information. It gives us seemingly infinite access to the information provided. The bad part about the internet is that anyone may put information on it. Sorting through the crap and finding the good stuff can be a challenge. That is what I learned in this class. I always knew how to search google, and click on the first link that pops up. I now feel like I can use the tools I have at my disposal to find the best source, not just the first one.
                The next task I must work with is to blend the sources I have obtained so that they can be synthesized into a good, informative essay. Having good sources is crucial to a good essay, but that does not complete the process. I feel that I am now able to

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